"I felt the need to do a shout out to Allison Gregory. I have been privileged to have several of her pieces over the years, my first was 15 years ago. The first thing that grabs you is the color, so bright and beautiful and then the simplicity, the playfulness, the sheer joy that shines through her work. But the real genius of her work is that the simplicity is just a facade. The first piece I've shown here that's hanging vertically is a piece i've owned for 15 years. I still see new, wonderful things in that painting. The intricacy that underlies the initial impression of simplicity is just amazing. The 2 horizontal pieces we've had for over a year now. They hang right next to our bathroom counter and I love looking for something new almost every day. I am seldom disappointed. Thank you Allison for bringing light, color and joy into our home!"
Bill Patterson
Happy Client
"What a fabulous show by a fabulous artist, Allison Gregory, featured in world art collections, books, magazines ("La Prensa", this month), on our own art collection walls & those of our friends with amazingly good taste in art! Congratulations, Allison, on another Spectacular Triumph! (what on earth do you do with all that amazing talent when you go to sleep at night? Wait a second! I know! It all pops out with 3 new art pieces in the morning! Because, aside from being a great gal & great pal you are totally PROLIFIC & that is another talent in itself!)"
Getchen Glasscock
Happy Client
"Enjoying fabulous art show by outstanding world renowned artist & dear friend, Allison Gregory, hosted by AnArte Gallery at amazingly renovated Estancia (the former iconic La Mansion del Norte across from North Star Mall) with lovely ambiance & all kinds of lovely amenities like new star chef restaurant presented by San Antonio cooking legend, Don Strange. What's not to love? I did & so did all the happy attendees many of whom left with art pieces under their arm. The exhibit is up til mid August so go &...if you are not already...introduce yourself to Allison's great art, already hanging on San Antonio's Riverwalk & great hotels. (hint: there are always ways to get more budget friendly pieces - ask around or read the current article about Allison in "La Prensa"!) A Very big & Heartfelt Congratulations to our favorite artist on her Magnificent & Successful Opening!!"
Carla Salinas
Happy Client
"Gregory's art - sort of a controlled chaos - makes you smile. It's playful, it's fun, and it engages all the senses."
San Antonio Express News

"Artist Allison Gregory maintains her momentum by discovering new ways to express herself, and by experimenting with different media. She is not afraid to paint outside of the lines which is evident by her new style, a movement she dubbed, 'pop-stract'".
LUXE Magazine
"If anything about Gregory's artwork is consistent, it's her strong use of color. She almost always sticks to a vivid palette, and she never, ever wastes a single
inch of canvas. Most likely, she'll never escape the attention to detail and willingness to work that got her where she is now-they're visible in every completed piece."
Rare Magazine
Allison Gregory is a refreshingly self assured contemporary artist with energy to spare, from a new generation of creative minds who are taking success into their
own hands. The romanticized artist image with the flowery disposition is a sharp contrast to this self-made, can-do attitude artist".
Christa Brothers
Owner of Bismarck Contemporary Art Gallery, San Antonio
"Gregory's art - sort of a controlled chaos - makes you smile. It's playful, it's fun, and it engages all the senses."
San Antonio Express News

"I have been lucky enough to share Allison Gregory's work with art collecting clients and prospects since 2010. I have shown her work in my gallery and art
fairs throughout New York. What I love is watching people as they first see…and then further explore…her artwork. The bright colors, intricate layers,
captivating drips around the canvas and over the edges, and rich textures engage art lovers of everv age. And what I love the most is the smile that breaks
out across each face. To me, Allison's artwork literally drips with joy...and I enjoy being a part of helping to share this wonderful experience."
Lisa Cooper
Owner of Elisa Contemporary Art Gallery, New York City
"A painter must simultaneously remetabolize and unsee everything that's come before and-through some mysterious, masterful act of cultural Kung Fu- make something new. The artists I chose for this issue of New American Paintings rise to this challenge. Although marching to their own drumbeats, these
painters vibrate with what I believe to be important broad directions in art and culture today. Allison Gregory and Joseph Cohen make exciting and innovative abstract images. They are not afraid to fetishize paint, push the picture plane into three dimensions, and generally go for the baroque. A nonrepresentational painting, they argue, can give Lady Gaga a run for her money.
Tony Kamps
Senior Curator at The Menil Collection Museum, Houston
"Allison Gregory's art is playful and colorful at once, but at the same time serious fine art. Viewers are drawn in bv the bright colors and patterns, sometimes
with raised textures, which often look like glass beads. This universal appeal to everyone's senses is almost irresistible. Soon after the colors and textures
catch one's attention, one quickly becomes aware of the depth of her artwork. The masterful use of colors, the overall compositions, and the sheer richness of the patterns is an art connoisseur's delight."
Beyond Arts Magazine
"Bursting with energy, artist Allison Gregory's works are commanding attention. While her art work
can make your head spin, her pieces mix childlike happiness with adult chaos. so there's a little something for everyone."
Austin Monthly Magazine

"In the 13 years since I started Cow Parade, I have had the pleasure of working with over 10,000 talented artists throughout the world, some or which were quite famous...Peter Max, Romero Britto and Red Grooms. She is by far one of the most talented artists I have ever met. In fact, it was no surprise to learn
that she was the first and only artist in Cow Parade history, to have been selected to paint four cows in one event. Not only did one of her bovines sell for a
record breaking $100.000. but the total earnings of all four came to a quarter of a million dollars to charity! Her work is truly remarkable".
Jerry Elbaum
Founder of Cow Parade, the largest public art event in the world
"Allison's work has a vibrant energy that resonates with all kinds of people. She is one of the first artists I worked with that encouraged people to touch her work and really experience the art. She has amazing attention to detail and patience to create these multi-media, layered works. They are tactile, exuberant, and playful. It's been amazing to watch her develop from a kid out of college, to seeing her work in so many galleries, featured in Austin's cow and guitar parades, and even on i-pad covers!
Jennifer Seay
Founder of Art + Artisans Consulting Firm, Houston and Austin
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and when one beholds Allison Gregory's work they know what true beauty is. We are living in a very complicated world
today and need to get away from the onslaught of messages, innuendos and crazed activity. To view Allison's works gives me the opportunity to forget the
now of all this psychobabble and immerse myself in sheer joy. Allison's talented brushstrokes bring a huge smile to my face and stimulate the passion that
beats from my heart. Her dazzling display of color is conducted in a symphony of WOW!'
Craig Babson-Smith
President of CBS Acquisitions